How often have you been reading a page online, and suddenly something changes on the page? The changes could be anything like the text gets moved, videos get disappeared, etc. Usually, these unwanted experiences are annoying, but in some cases, they can cause vital damages. The unexpected movement of text, videos, or pics takes place because there are some resources that are loaded asynchronously. Also, if DOM elements are added to the page dynamically right above the existing content. For Google, user experience is always a priority, and to resolve such issues various members of the Chrome team have been talking about the layout shift for quite some time now. Maybe that is why Google has curated Cumulative Layout Shift, one of the Page Experience signals. Understanding Cumulative Layout Shift Cumulative Layout Shift can be termed as a core web vital metric which is calculated by adding all layout shifts that aren’t caused by any user interactions whatsoever. A layout shift occurs any ...